Minor Vehicle Accidents


In an effort to make the reporting process more convenient for drivers involved in a minor accident, the Littleton Police Department uses the Colorado State Patrol's online accident reporting system. If a citizen is involved in a minor accident in the City of Littleton, they should file the report with the state within 30 days of the accident.


This method of accident reporting may be used if the driver(s) of the vehicles involved have been told by a law enforcement official to file a counter report; or, if an accident alert was in effect at the time the accident occurred. Criteria for using the website to file a report, as required by the Colorado State Patrol, are as follows:

  • No fatality or injury requiring medical attention was sustained by any person(s) involved in the accident, and;
  • The accident is not an alleged hit and run, and;
  • The accident does not involve damage to any public property other than wildlife, and:
  • No drivers involved in the accident are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or have insurance or driver's license violations.

The report can be filed using any computer with Internet access. If the citizen does not have a home computer, most local libraries, including Bemis Public Library, have free Internet access that can be used to file the report.